Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ik Onkar

ik onkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbh-a-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhn gur parsaad

There is but one God. True is His Name, creative His personality and immortal His form. He is without fear sans enmity, unborn and self-illumined. By the Guru's grace He is obtained.
Exista dar un singur Dumnezeu. Adevarat este Numele Sau, creativa personalitatea sa si nemuritoare forma Sa. El este cel fara teama fara dusmanie, nenascut si auto-iluminat. El este dobandit prin voia/gratia Guru-lui.
Embrace His meditation.
Imbratisati meditatia sa.

aad sach jugaad sach.
True in the prime, True in the beginning of ages,
Adevar inainte de toate, Adevar la inceputul vremurilor,

hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach.
True He is even now and True He verily, shall be, O Nanak!
Adevarat este chiar acum si Adevarat va fi, oh, Nanak!

sochai soch naa hov-a-ee jay sochee lakh vaar.
By pondering on God, man cannot have a conception of Him, even though he may ponder over lacs of times.
Gandind la Dumnezeu, omul nu il poate concepe pe El, chiar daca se gandeste de-a lungul veacurilor.

chupai chup naa hov-a-ee jay laa-i rahaa liv taar.
Even though one be silent and remains absorbed in Lord's constant love he obtains not mind's silence.
Chiar daca omul ramane tacut si ramane absorbit de iubirea constanta a lui Dumnezeu, el nu obtine linistea (Pacea) mintii.

bhukhi-aa bhukh naa utree jay bannaa puree-aa bhaar.
The hunger of the hungry departs not, even though they may pile up loads of the world's valuables.
Foamea infometatilor nu trece, chiar daca acestia isi fac stive cu valorile lumii.

sehas si-aanpaa lakh hoh taa ik naa chalai naal.
Man may possess thousands and lacs of wits, but not even one (goes with him) avails him in the Lord's court.
Omul poate poseda bogatii nemasurate, dar nici macar una nu il insoteste la curtea Domnului

kiv sachi-aaraa ho-ee-ai kiv koorhai tutai paal.
How can we be true and how can the screen of untruth be rent?
Cum putem avea dreptate si cum poate imaginea neadevarului sa fie sfasiata?

hukam rajaa-ee chalnaa naanak likhi-aa naal.
O Nanak! By obeying, the pre-ordained order of the Lord's will.
O, Nanak! Supunandu-ne, la ordinea predestinata a vointei Domnului.